Custom Notification

You can customize the email and SMS you send to your voters about your online election.

ElectionChamp is a great online election app that is easy to use and can be customized to meet the needs of its users. As part of our promise, we let the people in charge of online elections change different parts of their secure election.

Custom Notification is one of the things that our online voting system can do. You can change the email and text messages we send to your voters to let them know about the election and how to vote. All you have to do is look over and change the text of the notifications. Your online election app will take care of everything else. Isn’t it great?

Online election system that allows you to customize election notification

Email Notification

During the process of setting up an online election, ElectionChamp gives users a predefined email notification template that has been made to fit the needs of the vast majority of organizations. But not all organizations are the same, and not all organizations hold elections for the same reasons. Because of this, you can change the email notice in any way you think is best for your organization. When editing, you should always make sure to include the key election notification elements, such as the #election-deadline#, #ballot-link#, #access-link#, and #access-key#, etc., so that you can make sure your voters have all the information they need to vote in your online election successfully.

Customize online election email and SMS notification

SMS Notification

ElectionChamp lets you change the text of the SMS notice just like you can change the text of the email notice. We’ll give you a pre-set SMS template that was made based on how the majority of organizations use SMS, and you can easily change it to fit your needs. To make sure that your voters have all the information they need to vote in an online election, you should make sure that the SMS notification, just like the email template, has key information like the #mobile-ballot-link, the #election-deadline, and the #election-name.

Manual Notification

Manual Voting Keys are another choice that ElectionChamp gives you. Manual Voting Keys are just keys that can be used in any way you want, and you can send them to voters along with your own personalized materials. Things like an invoice, a newsletter, a notice, an official email, an invitation to an annual meeting, and so on, can be part of these materials. When setting up your election, make sure to choose “Manual Notification” as one of the notification options. Then, choose how many manual voting keys you want to use for your election. We will create Manual Voting keys after the election has been turned in. You will be able to download these keys, and you can give them to your voters in any way you want.

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Let us manage it for you!