Reach All Voters

Send election notifications to all voters via Email, SMS, Post, or any way you like using the manual voting keys!

Notification Type


With just one click, you can send all of your voters an email about the online election. You only need to give us the valid email addresses of all your voters when setting up an online voting election. We’ll take care of the rest. When the election starts at the scheduled date and time, ElectionChamp will automatically send emails to all of your voters to let them know. You can change how your voters get notified by email when you set up your online election with ElectionChamp, one of the best election companies.

With ElectionChamp, you can also send reminder emails to your voters. This can help you get more people to vote in your online election.

Notification Type


For your online election, send a secure online voting key to each voter’s phone via SMS. When setting up the election, choose the SMS notification option and give the valid cell phone numbers of all the voters. ElectionChamp, your election company, will send secure voting keys for the election to all voters who have a valid cell phone number.

Voters will get an SMS message with the voting key and the URL, so they can vote right away from their phones. Per election, you can only send out two SMS reminders.

18- Check
Notification Type


Want to share the online election details and voting key on your own? By putting the information in the letter, email, document, invoice, shareholder report, etc., and then selecting the “Manual Notification” option during election setup. ElectionChamp will make voting keys based on how you set up your online voting election. You can then download the manual voting keys in CSV format and use them however you want.

Manual keys give you the freedom to use the voting key in any way you want and let you reach all your voters through any method you choose, all this while keeping your online voting secure, that’s what your election company should do.

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