Easily setup online election

Setup your online election on ElectionChamp in six easy steps.

ElectionChamp is an online tool for running elections which is easy to use and costs a fair amount. The best thing about ElectionChamp is how easy it is to set up an election. We’ve made it easier to set up an online online poll or election by breaking it down into six simple steps. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to set up an online election or poll successfully.

At ElectionChamp, our goal is to make it easy for you to set up and manage your election in a safe and reliable way, which is what our slogan says. As part of this promise, we offer a user-friendly interface to make it as easy as possible for our users to organize their elections.

Online election app with easy setup

Enter your election details like Name, Org name, Start date time, etc.

On Step 1, you’ll be asked for important information about your election, such as:

  • Election Name: Give your online election a name so that you and your voters can identify it easily.
  • Organization Name: Type in the name of your organization so that voters know who they are voting for.
  • Organization Logo: Upload the logo for your organization so we can show it on the ballot and in email notifications.
  • Start and End Date and Time: Choose the start and end dates and times for your online election so that we can start and end it on time and so that your voters know when to start voting and when the deadline is to send in their votes.
  • Timezone: Choose the timezone you want to use for the start and end dates and times of the election.

Select election security, notifications, results, voter list etc. settings.

Step 2 is all about the important settings for your election, such as:

  • Who can see the results of your election while it’s going on? Choose “No one” or “Administrator.”
  • Notification: Choose how you want your voters to be notified about your online vote.
    • Email: We will send each of your voters an email with a unique voting key.
    • SMS: We’ll send all of your voters an SMS message with a unique voting key.
    • Manual keys: You can download voting keys from our online voting tool and give them to voters in any way you want.
  • Extra option for voting: Choose if you want to use any extra choices.
    • Ballot ID: A number unique to each voter on the list.
    • Label: Label for each voter to make it easy to find them.
    • Weighted Ballots: Choose if you want your vote to count more or less.

The main step, setup, configure and preview your election ballot.

Step 3, is the most important step, you will set up your online ballot:

  • Ballot title: Give your online vote or position a name.
  • Voting method: The ways to vote are Plurality, Ranked, and Nominations.
  • Total Winners: Type in the number of winners you want to vote for.
  • Ask for comments: Turn this on if you want your voters to be able to leave anonymous comments.
  • Allow abstain: Check this box if you want your voters to choose not to vote.
  • Random order: If you turn this on, your voters will see the candidates or options in random order.
  • Candidate Information: Type in the candidate’s name, picture, and any other information.
  • Voter Instructions: Type in any instructions you want to give your voters.

Now it's time to import or upload your election voter list.

Step 4, now is the time to send us your voter information so we can finish setting up the election and let them know: :

  • Email addresses
  • Mobile Phone Number
  • Ballot ID
  • Voter Label
  • Weight per voter
  • Extra voting keys – In case someone joins your organization in the middle of an election and you need more keys.

Review & customize your election's email and/or sms notifications.

Step 5, set up the text of the email and text message you want to send to your voters:

  • Email notification: Look over and change the text of the email notification you want us to send to all of your voters after your election has started. We have a set email text, but you can change it however you want as long as you include important election information.
  • SMS notification: Review and change the text of the SMS message you want us to send to all of your voters after your election has started. We have a set SMS text, but you can change it however you want as long as you include important election information. 

You did it!
Review and submit your election!

Step 6: You’re done! Let’s take one last look at how your election is set up before you submit it, since you can’t change it after you submit it:

  • Check your ballot to make sure it has all the information, instructions, candidates, options, etc.
  • Check your list of voters to make sure you have added all of them and chosen enough extra voting keys.
  • Check the text of your election notice to make sure you’ve included all the important information.
  • Once you’ve looked over everything, make the payment if necessary, and submit your election. It will start at the time and date that have been scheduled.

Need help with your election?
Let us manage it for you!