Vote Electronically

Vote online using your computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.

ElectionChamp is a free, high-tech online voting system that lets people vote by desktop or laptop or mobile phone. In today’s world, a lot of big businesses and big operations are moving online. Also, a lot of big tasks that people do every day are moving online, like shopping, booking a cab or a plane ticket, having a conversation on a forum or social media, and a lot more.

At this time, ElectionChamp is here to help you and all of your election voters run and vote in elections online. ElectionChamp makes it easy for you, as the election administrator, to set up an online election. It also makes it easy for your voters to vote online using any connected electronic device, such as a computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.

Electronically Vote in an election

Vote online from Computer or mobile

Our advanced online voting app lets you get information about your election online through email, SMS, a newsletter, or any other way your election administrator set it up. Once you get your voting key, all you have to do is go to and send us an electronic copy of your ballot. We’ll take care of the rest. Then, we’ll save your online ballot in a safe place, and it can be used later to figure out the result of the online election.

Realtime Result

One benefit of voting online is that the ballot can be stored safely and the votes can be counted automatically. ElectionChamp is a very advanced voting app that not only lets you vote online but also counts online votes in real time. As an administrator, you can set up the election so that you can see the results as they happen. Voters can only see the election results if you share them with them, either through ElectionChamp or by giving them the link to the results.

Need help with your election?
Let us manage it for you!