
Explore all the key features we offer to help you run your online election.

Key Features

What makes ElectionChamp best online voting system?

ElectionChamp’s user friendly system allows you setup online election easily, reach all voters and increase voter turnout, calculate and share results automatically, powerful audit system with SSL to secure election, very secure voting key system, etc. helps you run online election like a champ!

Reach All Voters

Automatically notify voters via Email and SMS notifications, or share voting keys as you like.

Secure Connection in Online Election

Secure Connection

Connection between voters & us is secured by 256 BIT SSL, similar to banks, e-commerce websites use.

Automatic Online Voting results

Auto Results

Calculate and share election results automatically. Supports Plurality, Ranked & Nominations ballots.

Online election app with easy setup

Easy Setup

User friendly system allows you setup your online election easily. Email & call support available.

Online election system that allows you to customize election notification

Custom Notification

Allows you to customize Email & SMS notifications sent to your election voters as you like.

Electronically Vote in an election

Electronic Vote

Vote electronically from your device anywhere in the world. We can also send electronic receipts.

Mobile Voting

Allow your voters to vote from their mobile devices using SMS and/or Email notification.

Multiple Election Methods in Online Election

Election Methods

ElectionChamp supports Plurality, Ranked voting, Nominations, and STV election methods.

Online Election Integrity

Election Integrity

Voting system ensuring election integrity allowing only one vote per one voter key and no changes.

Multi Language

You can make the election notice and ballot in any language that your voters would like to have.

Election Audit

Track and view all the administrator and voter activities throughout election life for transparency.

Voter Keys

Secure 16 digit voter keys that is next-to-impossible to hack or guess. Voting key cannot be guessed.

2-Factor Auth*

Requires voter to enter voter key and secure code sent via SMS or provided by election administrator, to vote.

Electronically Vote in an election

Secure Storage

Your data is securely stored on our highly secure cloud storage, similar to big banks or e-commerce.

Secure Election

We offer most secure online elections with SSL and powerful election auditing system.

Free Support

We can help you setup your online election easily with free email support for all elections.

* Work is being done on these features, and they will be ready soon.
Managed Elections

Want us to manage your election?

We know that not all of our clients have the same needs for their elections. Not all clients are confident enough to run an online election on their own. If you are one of these people, we have a team that will set up, manage, and keep an eye on the election for you.

Happy customers. Happy team

You can count on us

Our support team is waiting for your email, and ready to support you as soon as possible. We strive to offer your great experience running an online election using the most secure online election systems available in the market today.

Need help with your election?
Let us manage it for you!